Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lost and Found Friday

Remember the debit card I lost - I found it! Remember the iPod I have? I lost it... Oh well, I'm still even, right? Don't know how I'm going to go to sleep tonight without music, but I imagine I will - eventually.

One of the Sister missionaries who was here um, several years ago became a mom for the second time on the 20th of June!! Welcome Justus Helland and congrats to mom, Melody Thatcher Helland and her husband, Blake. They also have a little girl, whose name I can't remember - of course. Hey, was doing good to remember her husband's name! Anyway - congrats to the family and have fun enjoying the new addition.

Hailey should be at Matt's for the weekend. I tried calling, but they must be busy. I sure hope I get to see her this weekend, I'd really like to see what she thinks of the new trike!

We went over to mom and Bob's tonight to feed the opposum and the squirrels. Only mom and Bob would be feeding an opposum! I had to laugh when we got there. Everything is laid out on the table, cat food, ears of corn, bird seed, and even a pitcher of water for watering the plants on the deck. Next to the item is an index card with instructions written on it. "Use this to water the plants on the deck 2 times." "Put a new ear of corn out on the deck." "Put 3 scoops of cat food in the white square dish, and water in the round white dish." I was cracking up. I should get a picture the next time we go over. Guess they want to make sure we don't forget anybody.

Their neighbor has been working on their swimming pool. A couple years ago the former owners of the house had done some work on the pool, but apparently it wasn't up to code, so the new owners had to rip out the whole pool and the new concrete deck they had built when they moved in. I would have been so angry!!! The new pool is in and they were filling it tonight. Really pretty, dark blue with nice looking tile around the edges. Should get a picture of that too... Nice. Wish we had a pool. I'd even settle for an above-ground pool, but with all the trees around here we'd spend most of the time cleaning the thing out. Plus, with the Omaha laws, we'd have to build a 6' privacy fence to the pool wouldn't be visible from the street. If I could afford one, I couldn't afford the other! Oh well, that's what air conditioners are for, right?

Didn't call Dr. T today. I'm going to wait and see what happens. I'm not really eager to have it yanked. I know, call me chicken, Bawk, bawk!

It was a gorgeous evening! After we went to mom and Bob's we went to DQ for a root beer float. Ever since we went to DQ in Blair a couple of weeks ago, I've been hungry for one. Mis-take! They don't use A&W root beer of course, and that's the only kind I like. From now on, I'll stick with ice cream cones from DQ and home made root beer floats.

My friend Anita posted on FB the other day that she was afraid she might have to evacuate because of the flooding. She lives in the trailer park out by OPPD north of the airport. I told her then if she needed a place to store things, she was more than welcome to bring them over here because we had 2 empty bedrooms. Last night she asked if the offer still stood. Of course. I'd hate to be worried about my irreplaceable family things in case of a flood or tornado or something. I should back everything up on computer disks and put important originals in a safe deposit box. Anyway, she has things of her mom's that she hasn't gone though yet (her mom passed away last year), and a bookcase, which is all she has of her dad's, and of course her CDs and things like that. Her sister was afraid we'd keep them - oh my goodness... I just like to help people who need help, if I can. I feel like there's not a lot I can do anymore for people since this stupid fibro has gotten so bad. If all I can do is offer a safe place for family heirlooms for someone, then I'll gladly do it. She might be moving her mobile home out to 110th and Ida, where I lived for awhile. That's a nice park. She says they're in the county, not the city so they have reliable garbage collection (yes, they do!), a tornado shelter, and a swimming pool and it's only $100 a month more than she's paying out in East Omaha. I think she'd like it there, I really do. I have to laugh though, I haven't even ever met her, but she's talked to me about dad and how to deal with his dementia and things (she's a home care worker) and I feel like I know her. Between her and India, I think I finally might be finding some good friends.

Funny thing, when I saw Randy and India the other night when they picked up Callie, I thought Steve and Randy would probably get along pretty good. They're both kind of quiet. Wouldn't that be nice?

Nothing new happened today in my life! Just hung around the house and enjoyed the nice weather. Looked for my iPod... Darn it, I get so mad when I lose things. So achy lately, I wonder if that's going to be my new normal. I hope not, but that's the way things start. I feel like something new is going on and I wait for a couple days or a week or so for it to subside, but it doesn't and there it is, a new normal! Sucks, but what else can you do? Today my pain pills did absolutely nothing. I'm getting kind of worried about my lack of response to the pain medicine. What do I do if I really need it for surgery or something?Guess I'll just have to take it as it comes and see what happens. It could be worse.

Karl T., who I know through Judy write a blog every Friday night and in tonight's blog he was saying that he had been feeling dizzy and having some other symptoms lately, so his doctor recommended an MRI. He got the results back and he has an acoustic neuroma - a brain tumor. Apparently since his is close to the brain stem and he would be in danger if it grows, they're going to do surgery. My prayers are with him and his wife Susan and all of their little fur kids. See... It could always be worse.

I think I shall call it a night and try to get some sleep - well, maybe I'll read a little. Kindle had a bunch of free cookbooks to download tonight. They're old - some are very old... I got one from the Eatmor Cranberry Company full of cranberry recipes, and at the end there was a contest to vote for a girl to be the Eatmor Cranbery Girl, and the contest closed on December 31, 1953 - but the way I see it, good recipes and good food are timeless. I did get a chuckle out of some of the recipes in the Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book such as tripe soup - Never! And sauerbraten - nope... But there were some good sounding ones in some of the other books. I got a good giggle out of one of the books - it's a home ec book from years ago and they talk about how the presentation of the food at your family dinner table is so important.. Ha ha ha... Tonight I microwaved a frozen pot pie for Steve and slapped it on a plate and handed it to him. How was my "presentation" sweetie? Not that it would kill me to take some of the messages to heart... But no aprons, and no candles!

Have a good night!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Do you remember Steve Martin's role in "Little Shop of Horrors" about the sadistic dentist? Me too! Problem is, I had dentists like that when I was younger so I grew up with an absolute phobia about dentists. Right after Steve and I got married I had a horrible abscess in one of my teeth and refused to go to anyone I had gone to in the past, so Steve suggested I try his dentist. Let me tell you what - I'll never admit this anywhere again, so take note - Dr. Thorfinnson rocks! He gets the fact that I'm scared, well, past scared, terrified, paralyzed, nearly phobic about dentists. I love it. He's so nice and so gentle. I've never had any problems with his work or with him...

All that being said, almost 2 years ago (I remember because it was the week before Hailey was born) I pulled a crown off a tooth eating my Tootsie Roll dessert from Boyd and Charlie's. Uh oh. I put the crown in my purse and forgot about it. Well... Okay, I didn't forget about it, I did call the office, but I just forgot my appointment. No, really! Then Hailey was born and I was too busy being a grandma and then I became a babysitter and... Well, one thing led to another until - are you ready for this - We took dad to Boyd and Charlie's on Tuesday night and while eating my Tootsie Roll dessert I felt the filling come loose. OH NO!

It didn't come all the way out, so I just kind of pushed in back in place and prayed it wouldn't come out in my sleep and choke me to death or anything. Then yesterday while I was driving Tilley over to meet Kate in Iowa, I stopped for a bottle of water and got a Grandma's raisin oatmeal cookie - and ate the filling. Oops.

It left a gaping hole in my lower right side - ick. So, since the edges were really sharp and killing the bottom of my tongue I called and made an appointment for today at 10:30. Ugh. I went. I was scared spitless, but I went. Well, he x-rayed it (Cool new x-ray technology, Dr. T!) and told me my options - one of which was just leave it alone!!! Oh yeah. No drills, no root canal, no shots! So he filed off some of the sharp edges and let me go! Hallelujah!!!

Then I got home and started thinking. That was too easy. Why did he just give up? Was this some kind of reverse psychology? Did I really win? Just LEAVE it? What if it hurts? He said it wouldn't, because the nerve is gone. But really, there's still some tooth there. It will just rot, won't it? Then my breath will smell like Cookie's, won't it? Oh no.

I think I'm calling tomorrow to see if he can pull it, or see if I need an oral surgeon. Nuts. I think the dentist won...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I forgot

Where do I start? I forgot what I did with my debit card, I forgot what I did with my cell phone charger (good thing I have a car charger), and I forgot to mention dad's lawyer visit today.

Still don't know where the first 2 are, but I can mention our visit with Richard. Dad was kind of upset today (see my previous post from today), so I was kind of afraid this wasn't going to be a good meeting. I think Pam had pretty much convinced dad not to pursue the divorce, but in all the time she was married to him she still underestimates us - the power of 3 is greater than the power of 1. Idiot.

The meeting actually went very well, except that it's going to cost us another boatload of money or as Meghan would say, "A shit ton of money". The biggest problem is that there is no discovery information from Pam. Found the copy that was sent to her, but the response was blank (kind of like her little brain). Richard asked Deborah Cunningham the miserable wench of a lawyer to send over the discovery information she had, and all he got was a fax with some stuff she had already sent him, and a memo saying that was all she had because we wanted the file immediately and didn't give her staff time to make the copies, so she gave us the original file, so that was all she had. Oh, she lies! When we asked for copies, she told us (Missy) it would take 2 weeks for her staff to copy the file, so we waited 2 weeks and then when Missy and dad when and got it, they took it directly to Richard's office. Nothing was removed. Another thing I'd like to know is how did she have things to still fax to him if we took the entire original file? I can't wait to file a complaint with the Nebraska Bar against that witch when this whole thing is done. The first thing you need for a divorce is a discovery - what the hell did she do to earn the money dad paid her. Nothing - with a capital "N". Witch. Told me one thing over the phone, told Missy and Mel totally different things, then said she hadn't told any of us any such thing(s). Then she called Missy one day and told her we had 4 hours to decide what to do with the house because Pam wanted her name off of it. Uh, yeah, right. Basically, in 6 months she did absolutely nothing but lie to us and talk with Pam's attorney (supposedly so she could charge us for the billable hours), and accomplished nothing other than to actually file the divorce. Worthless piece of crap.

So, Richard asked us today what we were going to do, go ahead or dismiss the divorce action. Missy told him dad was going ahead with it. Yay! Point for our side, point for our side... BUT... Now Richard has to file a motion with the court to compel Bimbo and her attorney to provide the discovery information she supposedly gave to Deborah, which Deborah said she had, then said she never had, and is blank in the file and her lawyer says she did... What a freaking mess! Basically dad has spent thousands of dollars with this moron Cunningham and Richard has to start again at square one, with the discovery information. He told us the judge may say "we" lost it (ahem...) and in that case we'll have to go ahead without it, but I can't see really how we're losing anything if we don't get it. Richard just wants to make sure if Pam can provide things for dad through her job, such as insurance, that she will be ordered to do so by the court. That would be nice, but I don't even care. I just don't want her to be associated with dad any more. Dad asked Missy to take him over there a couple weeks ago and she wouldn't even come downstairs to talk to him. He asked if he could come up and she said she wasn't going to help him up the stairs. Nice, huh? I wish she'd get struck my lightning or something. I just want her someday to get back a little bit of the crap she's put dad through. Just a little, like a dump truck full.

Richard did explain to us today exactly what will happen and why with a bankruptcy. It was about as clear as mud until he explained it today. I'd like to have broken dad's hand before he signed up for those damn credit cards because it looks like he screwed himself with those things, even though I'm pretty sure Miss Pamela signed her name to a lot of the charges. Oh well, karma, I just have to believe there's some kind of karma for people like her.

Now, if I could just find that debit card...

Tuesday, Tuesday...

Last Sunday was Father's Day, so we went over to dad's and I gave him a card and told him we'd take him out to dinner one day this week. He asked when so I threw out Tuesday, because Dad loves to eat at Boyd and Charlie's and Tuesday night is Burger Night, where you get a 10-ounce burger and fries for $5.59 - what a deal, right? Well, this whole thing was coming up with Tilley and Callie, Lisa's dogs from Oklahoma and I had forgotten that Tuesday was the day Lisa was bringing them to Omaha. I'm taking Tilley on up to Kate in St. Paul (we're meeting in Clive, Iowa, again), and my friend India was taking Callie. D'oh - ad Homer Simpson would say. I thought maybe we would have to change the day, but that didn't work out as planned.

Dad called me this morning when I was talking to India and asked me when we were going to dinner, and he sounded very upset and was crying. I told him that we'd still go tonight, but I wasn't sure what time since Tilley was coming. He said okay, but I could tell he was still upset, but he told me nothing was wrong. Turns out I had forgotten we were meeting with his lawyer today at 12, so Mel sent me a text to remind me and I called to talk to her for a second and she said she was home today so I asked what was wrong with dad. Well, he had called my cell twice (once at 7:42 a.m.!!!) and I hadn't answered, so he wanted my home phone number and when Missy told him what it was he couldn't dial the phone because he didn't know which numbers were which. *sigh* I guess I knew this day was coming. I had read about something similar in the book "36 Hours", where a person with dementia can still read and knows what the word is, but it has no meaning for them. I guess this is similar, so dad has reached a new level, or gone down another level, depending on how you look at it.

So, dinner tonight was special to me. Of course I've known for months what was happening with dad - I saw it myself as far back as when Matt and Mirisa lived with him, but he seems to be sliding toward that abyss so much faster lately. He's been so unsteady on his feet, and it was much worse tonight-and even today at the lawyer's office, that I know it won't be long before taking him out anywhere is gong to be a major undertaking, if it's possible at all. He loves to hear about Hailey, anything I say about her makes him smile, so I told him about her loving to sing and saying, "Sing, Nana!" or "Sing, Papa" when we stop singing with her to enjoy her little voice. I told him we had gotten her a trike and hopefully she'll be excited about it when we see her next. I think about my grandparents and how happy they were when I had Meghan and I know my dad is just as thrilled hearing about Hailey - the years have just flown by. Seems like only yesterday that I had my Grandma Erikson come to my house for Christmas, and all 4 of her grandchildren (at the time) sat near her for a picture. I'd love to get a picture with Ryan, Hailey, and Vince, but the logistics of that are crazy! Anyway, I treat every dinner like this as a special occasion. I don't know how many more I'll have with my dad, I cherish every one.

Okay, now that I'm crying my stupid head off...

Lisa brought Callie and Tilley today. Poor Tilley. I think I need to get larger dogs when the time comes, they're so much more mellow then my weenies. Tilley is scared to death of them - and I can understand why. Poor sweetie. She's watched her mom take all her family memebers away one by one and when she comes back they aren't with her. Plus, she just lost her home and had to stay in Colorado for awhile, then today she goes for a ride with Callie and her mom leaves her. If my dogs were nicer to her I'd keep her for awhile before taking her to Kate, just to give her some time to adjust; but Kate and CJ have Keena, so she'll be seeing her sister again tomorrow and I hope that helps her a bit. They can compare notes about how horrid my house was and how glad they are to be with Kate! LOL! Poor things.

Callie is doing fine with India - I thought she would. She's even already let Randy rub her tummy, so I think that will be a smooth adjustment! Randy had brought the other dogs, Maui and Tristan, to the dog park where we met Lisa, but the weather decided to dump on us at that exact time, so we ended up going to Westroads and spending a little time with the Lisa before she left. Tristan and Maui seemed to hit it off with Callie and India has such a way with animals, it seems like a match made in heaven.

It was good to see Randy and India again. I haven't seen them since I worked at Northwest Precinct, and heaven only knows how long ago that was! I worked in Internal Affairs 14 years ago and I was at NW after that... I think... I don't really remember. I need to take out the old crew photo that Paula Timperley took of her crew and gave to me that year. I really do treasure that - and I think the year is on it. I know it was before Infantino threw me unceremoniously out of NW to go work as Don Thorson's secretery in CIB, that seems like forever ago! I loved working at Northwest, and it was so close to home, right by Hobby Lobby on 90th & Grant. Unfortunately, I wasn't doing favors for Capt. Infantino like his secretary was, so when he got transferred to NW when Capt. Crawford retired, he sent me packing. Not at all usual, usually the secretary stays in the bureau she works for and the command transfers around. Guess old Tony ha a soft spot in his heart for his secretary, Judy. Anyway... Got a little sidetracked... It was good to see them. Maybe sometime we can all get together and watch a movie or something. I get the feeling that Randy is a lot like Steve - just likes to chill and be quiet, and India is a lot like me - very outgoing and likes to talk and have fun. We could maybe have someone to do things with besides Bob and Carol. Ha ha ha.. India have a lot in common, besides loving our animals and having fibro. I don't think we'll ever run out of things to talk about. LOL!

Well, if I'm driving to Des Moines tomorrow I better get some sleep. Before I forget though, we had a pretty good storm in Omaha last night. Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel was here - scary, he seems to go where the weather is the worst! They clocked some winds at 75 mph and the tornado sirens went off for the straight line winds, for only the second time in history. We were really blessed though - we had NO wind at our house. None. With all these tall trees I'm always afraid in wind storms, but the Lord was looking out for us last night. We didn't even lose power - it only flickered and came right back on. Yay! Unfortunately we did have a lot of rain and the Missouri River rose another 3 inches. The flooding is bad, getting worse, and they're upping the amount they release from Gavin's Point again soon. I have a FB friend who lives in Plattsmouth who said they've heard rumors of being stranded because they might have to close the roads to the town because of the flooding. Tomorrow I have to take I-80 through town and through Council Bluffs to get to I80 going to Des Moines. Usually I'd take the Mormon Bridge and I680 to I29 and then over to I80, but that was is closed. I have a lot to be thankful for today. My only worry is that the water treatment facility will have to close or be shut down. It's already sandbagged and the river is rising past that point. I still think we should stock up on drinking water, but Steve seems to think that won't be a problem. Also, the nuclear power plant in Ft. Calhoun is surrounded by water. I've heard that workers have been told not to wade through the water or have any contact with it. That's scary, if true. Of course we haven't heard a word from the media about it. Well, I'll be grateful for what we have and pray for strength to take care of the rest.