Thursday, September 11, 2008

Matt Damon is an idiot

I saw a YouTube video today of Matt Damon blasting away at Sarah Palin - and making himself look like a moron in the process. He says he knows nothing about her and probably won't know anything about her in 3 weeks. What? He can't read. He can't be proactive and find out what makes her tick? Stupid. Then he makes some comment about her being a hockey mom, like she's going to use what she learned at hockey games to be VP. That's pretty obtuse Matt. I think what she's saying is if anyone makes the effort to learn the issues and get involved in politics they can, like - oh no, even a hockey mom! I'm thinkin' Matt, since you seem to know so freaking much about running a country maybe YOU should run for an elected office and see how many people vote for you. I always get my dander up when Hollywood "stars" start spouting their theory about politics. Like they know so much more than the average person who actually makes it a point to read about the candidates and make an informed decision. Of course Matt Damon doesn't know anything about Sarah Palin - how in the world would their paths cross in any way - except maybe they were both in People magazine the same month. Hollywood actors and actresses don't live in the same world as everyone else. They may get to go to parties and fund raisers for politicians, but apparently they can't read or find out information about the person's abilities on their own. I can imagine why they do it, some start struck ninny who thinks Matt Damon rules the universe will never vote for Sarah Palin because Matt says so. Unfortunately, I think there are way too many idiots in this country who think like that. BTW, didn't quite a few celebrities threaten to move to Canada if Bush were elected? I didn't see any mass exodus. Too bad.


  1. Matt Damon is a joke. He opens his mouth and can't get anything out. It's like a bad drama. What's with his girly shape?

  2. Why shouldn't we be negative towards Matt? In 06 he made the same type of stupid comments about those in the military.

    He's the product of liberal universities. His childhood neighbor, Zinn, screwed him from the beginning!

  3. Damon likes to play roles of smart, resourceful individuals in movies. Too bad he's just another Hollywood liberal "airhead" without a single freaking clue. Also too bad that, like Sean Penn, while he's talented on screen, the lurking reality is that he's just a vacuous idiot who's been drinking way too much liberal coolaid. He makes one more for my list of those whom I will not spend ONE CENT in viewing (and supporting) any film that they're involved with from now on... period. No sir, I WON'T be seeing you, Matt. End of story.

  4. I agree. Matt Damon is a tool and pretty much sealed his fate with me that I WILL NO LONGER support him as well.

  5. I had to laugh at his comments. Did you see the Pdiddy rant? Apparently according to Diddy, there are no "black people and foreign policies" in Alaska and so that makes Palin unworthy.

    I guess the more the libreal elite of Hollywood gripes, we know that it was a good choice to go with Palin after all....I mean, she's harmless!

    Now I love that the media is crying that she does not give interviews. Well after the condecending and rude treatment she got at the hands of Charlie Gibson, I don't blame her. When they start doing exposees on Joe Biden and fact checks on him, I will start feeling sorry for them!
