Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy weekend!

This has been a good weekend, I'm not sure if it's because the week was so hectic or what, but the weekend so far has been great! I got a lot of scrapping done today, went to Cabela's and spent some money, stopped by mom and Bob's to visit Miss Mittens. Mom and Bob have been in Colorado for the past week, so Mittens was feeling her oats a little bit I think, she got me good with her claws and bit me - just playing, but that didn't make it hurt any less! Ouch! I love that cat... Ha ha ha...

We went to Qdoba's for dinner - they have the best chicken quesillidas, I love them - almost as much as I love Chipotle's. I said almost!

Meg came home tonight, lots of laundry in tow, so while she worked on that we listened to the Sarah Palin stuff Steve had recorded for me this week while I was working, and then we played some Scrabble. I miss Scrabble when she's gone, I have no one else to play with. So, now, I'm finally headed off to bed, when I get tired, I mean...

Went to the rheumatologist this weekend and she started me on a predisone burst. Her thinking was that everyone's body normally produces about 5 mg of steroids per day and since I've been taking prednisone for so long, my adrenal glands probably have shut down, and I'm only getting the 5 mg that I take daily and my body needs more for the anti-inflammatory effect. I was a little doubtful because after taking 15 mg for 3 days I wasn't feeling any different, but yesterday and today I've really noticed a difference and I feel much better. Shocking! She did a cortisol test on Tuesday when I had my MRI - oh did I forget to mention that? Anyway, she'll be letting me know about that probably this coming week. Might need to take more prednisone every day, which doesn't thrill me, but feeling good is definitely worth it! And the MRI was for my back. I've noticed for about 4 years that my left leg would get numb when I walked or or stood for any length of time, but now both my legs get tingly and numb even when I'm sitting, so off to the MRI last week. Not my favorite thing, but not the worst thing either. At least it wasn't of my head this time, so I didn't have to wear that stupid thing that feels like a football helmet. They give you earphones so you can listen to the radio - even asked what station I wanted to listen to, but the machine makes so much noise, who could hear the radio? But, if you turned up the radio to drown out the machine, you'd be deaf by the end of the procedure. Guess at least it muffled the machine a bit. Those machines always set my OCD off though, I feel like I have to count the number of bangs and thumps you hear. It's like trying to count the number of times a jackhammer hits concrete - darn near impossible, but I've been counting everything since Tuesday... That's driving me nuts! ha ha...

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous! I think we're going to have an early winter though, the leaves are already falling like mad, the sumac is already red and some trees are already orange and red, looks more like the middle of October than just the middle of September. I'm loving sleeping with the windows open though, so I don't care. Although I think tomorrow we might have to rake some leaves before I lose myself in scrapping again. Our house faces the south and the wind just swirls leaves (and snow) in front of the garage doors, we'll be tracking in leaves from now on if we don't get some raked up. As long as it's nice in the morning, sounds like a plan to me.

That's about it I guess! More later!

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