Sunday, September 9, 2007

My name is Mindi and I'm a dachshaholic...

This little girl spent almost the entire picnic just walking back and forth along this wall. Occasionally another dog would join her, but she was having fun all by herself.

This little guy's name is Eli. His mama just rescued him from the Council Bluffs Humane Society within the last month. He has 2 bigger brothers (as in golden retrievers) at home. I can't for the life of me remember his human's name! Eli had been picked up by the CB animal control, but when his owners were contacted they said they didn't want him. I like my dogs so much more than I like some people.

Jaime (I hope I spelled that right) with Max and Diamond. They were so cute. Diamond just had a little about 2 months ago, and we saw pictures of her 2 remaining babies, they were so darn cute! Eli was in love with Diamond and wouldn't leave her alone for a minute.

This is Elvis. He and his sister Aggie are about the same as Ben, right around 10 or so. He was such a polite little fella. Of course I can't remember his mom and dad's name either...

This is Aggie. She had a bit of an aggression problem, so she spent most of the evening on a leash. She was the sweetest thing, she just didn't like to have other dogs around her. She's a rescue also, they got her from a rescue in Missouri after she'd been found wandering the streets of Kansas City.

After a 2 hour power nap so I could partially recover from the zoo outing, we went to the wiener roast our Dachshund Anonymous group was having. We just got organized about 3 months ago and this was only the second meeting, but we had a lot of fun. (I had to work the day of the first meetup.) I thought Steve would be pretty bored - he's not the extrovert I am by any means... (LOL) But there were several other men there and one of them also has an interest in amateur radio, so they had something to talk about besides our little doxies! We didn't have to draw straws to see who would have to sacrifice their wiener either, they bought them at the store! Ha ha ha... Ahem, okay... There were about 20 or so people and about 15 dachshunds. We took Ben since he's the mellowest one of the bunch. I was surprised at how many people there knew we had 6 and thought we'd bring them all - holy bald-headed cats! I don't even take more than 2 at a time to the VET if I can help it, let alone all 6 to be let loose with a bunch of other dogs. I'm not too sure how everyone else would handle it. I admit it, my dogs are not well socialized. They're not mean, but they just haven't been around other dogs much. (We're not even going to think about Taber and Buttercup last weekend...) Toby might do okay, if he was in his cart, but he's such a yapper. As a matter of fact, I'm about ready to have him debarked today. I've spent most of the day in bed because I don't feel well, so Steve brewed a batch of beer and Toby sat in the house and cried the whole time. Then Steve took Buttercup and Ruger to the vet and Toby sat in front of the front door (it was closed BTW) and howled his displeasure for a good 45 minutes. He's done nothing but bark and whine all day and I'm ready to wring his little neck. He's lucky he's cute...


  1. That's cute...the group thing.

    Wonder if they have those for cats around here? Granted, I only have three, but, well, if it were up to me, I'd be getting a start on becoming the crazy old cat lady. LOL

    That barking thing? That's why I don't have dogs. That and I'd have to take them outside to go potty. See? I already have kids to do all of the yapping. Don't need any more of THAT in the house. And the potty thing? The kids get me out of bed enough...don't need dogs to do that, too. LOL

    So, basically, dogs are ok...but they'd be better if they were cats. ROFL

    Don't get me wrong. I *like* dogs. I just don't *want* to have any. Does that make me a bad person? LOL

  2. Not at all. I've told them (the dogs) more than once that next time I'm getting a cat. Actually I'm allergic and I think they know that, that's why they keep pushing my buttons! Actually there probably is a meetup group in your area for cats. It started at Bookcrossing, you might check there...
