Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hum de dump day

I ordered a couple lenses for my new camera off eBay last night, they might even be here before the weekend - yay! I'm ready for some more picture taking. This afternoon as a matter of fact, I'm heading over to Memorial Park. They have a 9/11 memorial set up, one flag for every person who died and their biography is attached to the little pole of the flag. I Imagine I'll shed a few tears, 3000 is a big number and to see it all in one place will no doubt be sobering.

When I went down to Wyuka last week they have a new Holocaust memorial. The sheer number of people who died there is just overwhelming too. There was a sign that said if you gave a moment of silence for everyone killed during the Holocaust, it would take 11 years and 5 months. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around a number that large. That many people killed. It's just scary, the kind of control Hitler had over the people. And so many dismissed him or worse yet, embraced is ideas. "Like lambs to a slaughter" is the phrase that kept running through my mind. Sad.

On a much lighter and brighter note, I talked to my brother today for quite a while. Thank goodness we both have Verizon! It's really nice to hear his voice and keep in touch. We've been living in different states for so long it's sometimes hard to remember that we grew up together. My parents never were the kind to perpetuate closeness within the family,possibly because they were both only children. But it feels like since all of us were together for my nephew's engagement party, my life seems more complete, all the pieces of the puzzle are in the box, so to speak. Even though all of our lives are completely different, we all still fit together in a basic way. We all shared that childhood time. My most vivid memory of my brother - today at least - is one where I has having a birthday party, I was probably 9 or 10, and we were all playing Twister in the living room. (Hard to believe that game is that old!) Anyway, when Marc would cry he would hold his breath until he literally turned the most alarming shade of blue - sometimes you had to slap him on the back to get him to take a breath. Well, we're all in the living room with this Twister sheet spread out all over and the front door flies open and in runs a totally blue Marc holding onto the back of his head. Now, I think for the most part my friends were shocked at how blue he was and didn't even notice that he left a blood trail across the whole game. At least they didn't notice for a couple minutes. Marc had been playing with the kid across the street, who had clocked Marc in the head with a kid's rake, causing a nice big hole in Marc's head. And head wounds bleed like crazy. That was the end of that birthday party I think. I don't remember anything that happened after that except when Marc came home from the hospital with stitches in his head. He recovered nicely. But I have to wonder - do you still turn blue when you cry, Marc?

The weather has improved about 10,000 percent since last week. The windows have been open, it's been cooler! Aaaaaaaah. I feel better. It's like after the first couple of days my body realizes the coolness is here to stay and adapts a little. There's hardly any humidity either, it's been wonderful! Steve went out last night and raked leaves then shot some hoops and came in complaining about how hot it still was. Hello... Sit down for 5 minutes and cool off. For Pete's sake...

Well, I've got to jump in the shower and then head out to Memorial Park. Later.


  1. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, suddenly I have a headache! : ) I remember that incident like it happened yesterday! OUCH! No, I don't hold my breath till I am blue any longer, now that I am 6'4", I can pretty much get what I want with resorting to such tactics LOL

  2. Ha @ Marc's comment!

    It always amazes me at how many different ways human beings have of killing off other human beings. It just boggles my mind...
