Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas has begun

Yesterday really started the Christmas season, with the smorgasbord at Bethel Lutheran Church. This is the 4th or 5th year we've gone, and this year Sue and Smithy went with us (mom and Bob, of course, take us). It was delicious, as always. I need to find the recipe for the candied nuts. They are so good! This was the first year we've gone to the second meal at 2:30, we usually go at 12:30. They sell the extra meatballs and korve  (Swedish potato sausage). We brought some meatballs, which will be tasty with either boiled potatoes or buttered noodles. Yum!

Tonight we has Christmas with Meg and Jason, they're leaving for Europe on Friday, so will be gone for Christmas. Boo! We did have a good time with Grandma and Grandpa Sieborg. Steve made his Kahlua last week, so Carol had a big glass of that, she was very happy when they left.

Tomorrow Steve HAS to put the bed together for Hailey. I moved some of the parts into the hallway in August, I think it was, so maybe he'd get tired of seeing them when he went back and forth to the office, but that didn't faze him. I asked him in November so Kerry could sleep on it when she came over while he was gone hunting, didn't get done. I started asking him 2 weeks ago to do it, when Matt said she could spend the night, and it's STILL not done. I have no idea what the problem is with him. Hailey can't even play with her toys because the dresser is in the way in there. It's just a mess! I need to get the phone number of the guy who fixed Gale's computer to see if he can fix ours. I want to do indexing for Family Search and put Family Tree Maker on it without it crashing.  I also think I want to get rid of my scrapbook stuff. I just don't do it like I used to. Right now, neither printer works, so I can't even print pictures! That room looks awful. I'm too busy with genealogy to do all the scrapbooking I have junk for. Maybe I should sell the stuff on eBay or something. It's too much to think about right now. I'm like Winnie the Pooh, my is stuffed with fluff and I can't think.

Sarah had her wisdom teeth out today, poor thing. What a way to spend winter break! Lucky girl though, when break is over, she'll be heading to Disney World in Florida for 3 months! I'm a little jealous of that, but having wisdom teeth pulled, not so much...

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