Thursday, August 21, 2014

Happy Birthday Kerry!!

Today I decided to pay bills and run some errands. Hey, I know some people do that every day, but not me. So, it was a big day! I found a whole shoebox full of things that belonged to Mel a couple weeks ago, and I've been meaning to take it to her ever since. Today was the day. I needed to get a birthday card for Kerry, then grab some lunch and head to her house. I thought I'd grab some grub for her birthday, since I'm always late getting gifts. I also had to return a book she laned me about Hall County. She and Brad are going to a shoot this weekend in Logan, and a woman who sells the old fashioned clothes will be there and I want Kerry to get me a couple skirts. They are so beautiful. I've seen Kerry's and fell in love. I love to wear long skirts to church! We all wore long skirts back then, me, Dodie, Sudie, and Dorothy all wore pretty dresses to church, along with everyone  else. Well, the ladies, at least! I grabbed lunch from Schlotsky 's. When I got to Kerry's, I realized I'd forgotten the book I should have returned. NUTZ! When I got to the back door Kerry was getting off the phone with a friend who had called to wish her a happy birthday. Uh oh... I forgot the birthday card! NUTZ!

The Schlotsky were fantabulous! I love the small original with no onion. Yummy, yummy, yummy... I needed to go to Target and Office Max for some other things, Kerry suggested the ones on L Street. Good idea old bean. We went to office depot, which to Kerry and I is like a guy going to a home-grown place. We looked all over and we found what we wanted . I needed photo paper 8 x10 and 4x6. Kerry had some 8x10, that saved some money! I wanted to get a bunch of notebooks. I ended up getting 4, they were 99 cents each/ buy 3, get 1 free. Not bad, they were 16 cents at Shop last week. When I had no money. It worked out okay. Plus Target had Spam which both Wal-Mart superstore and the neighborhood market were totally empty. At Target I got 6 cans and a giant can of Nutella. I heart there's a shortage of hazelnuts, their predicted crop went down to 40,000,000 tons  versus 900,000,000 they usually produce. I thought I better grab a couple but one was enough.

Then I took Kerry with me to Mel's. The last time I remember her shoebox of things it was still on the table at my house. Right where I left it. I'll have to try it again , next week. NUTZ !

By the time I got home, I also forgot to take a note for Dr Snow to fill out, and to mail my tithing. Normal day for me!

We reheated burritos we've been eating since Monday. Thank goodness they're gone, I loved them but three dinners in a row? 😵

This evening Rachel was doing some splits with the sister missionaries, their appointment wasn't home, so they came over to my house instead, so Rachel did the lesson! Now they don't need to all come over tomorrow.

In the meantime, I have to mail my tithing, take the form for Dr Snow, and grab some salad stuff and tater tots for dinner with the missionaries at our house tomorrow. Grab several birthday cards and mail one to Kerry!!!   I think it'll go better this time around? Good night

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