Saturday, January 14, 2012

Good Year? You Bet!

The year didn't end exactly as I had hoped, but I have great hopes for this year. I wrote quite a few posts that I just kept as drafts, it wouldn't help anything to put them on the blog, but it sure helped me to write them! I've decided this year things will be great. AJ came over for Christmas and we had a little talk - he's so smart, I love him. I'm not going to get sucked into the cesspool this year. I'm going to live my life, MY way and I'm not going to worry about what anyone else thinks. I only wonder what kind of drama Missy will invent when dad passes away and there's no stage for her to perform on anymore. It's kind of freeing to know I don't have to worry about it, it doesn't matter. The people I love in this family are the only people I'm going to focus on this year, the rest don't matter. If  you're not going to enrich my life, then there's no room for you. The End

Last night Steve and I were just soaking up the warmth in the basement and I had come upstairs for something when I heard the doorbell ring - I was kind of bewildered to see some guy I didn't know standing outside the window - I thought it might be the missionaries, but it turned out to be Mel and her date! What a great surprise! They had just had dinner at Grisante's and they decided to come over. Meghan was here working on her wedding stuff, so we all had a nice visit. Then Sarah came over and we all had a good time. Dale and Steve both enjoyed some of Steve's homebrew and we girls just enjoyed the company. The evening came to an end all too soon - I hope we can do that again sometime!

I went shopping at Kohl's and then to lunch and Village Inn with mom yesterday. The top she got me for Christmas had sheer sleeves, so I couldn't wear it, but I found another top that I loved even more. Lunch was good too - then I came home and took a nap with Ben, my favorite napping buddy.

Steve has discovered Aldi's has milk for $2.49, so that's his new favorite place to shop. The milk is good, but their store brand of Slim Jim's are not. Tomorrow we'll check out the store brand of pizza rolls - don't disappoint me, Aldi!

Today I slept late since I got to bed late, and when Steve got home from breakfast and the Ft. Calhoun gun show he scrubbed the living room floor. I love it when he does things like that! I want to get my hobby room cleaned out, but it's so cold in there... It was nice today and it will be nice tomorrow, but then back down into the 30s for highs during the day. I can't complain, we've had a very mild winter, very VERY mild. Like it was 60 degrees on January 6, how often does that happen? Not often enough!  I hate to admit it, but I do miss the snow. A blizzard would be good, but I don't need the -20 windchills, just a lot of snow and some blowing, enough to want to spend a day or so down by the fire, and then it can be warm again. I need to get some paper so I can work on my scrapbooks again. I need to start one for 2012. I didn't make one for last year... Does that make me bad? Hey, at least I'm finally past Hailey's ultrasound pictures in her album!!!

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