Sunday, October 23, 2011

Whew! What a WEEK!!!

It wasn't even a whole week, but it seriously kicked my BUTT!  Thursday started the ball rolling. I got up, had my hair cut and highlighted, and then went to lunch with Gale and Pete. Ruger had an appointment with the vet at 2:40, so I got him there on time - actually a bit early, and then went home to crash. Friday I got up early to take dad shopping at JC Penney's for his outfit for AJ's wedding. We had gotten the suit coat and pants in Grand Island, but he was convinced the pants weren't going to fit him since he hadn't tried them on. I went over there Friday morning and had him try them on. Yay! They fit. However, his belts were all about 6" too small, so we had to go shopping for a belt anyway. Just on a lark I had him try on the white dress shirt we had gotten him and found that a 17-1/2" neck wasn't big enough! Augh!

Got the shirt and all it's attachments into a bag, got dad into the car and set off for Oak View Mall. We found a belt and he wanted an extra, so we got two... Then we tried to find a shirt. Couldn't find the guy with the tape measure, so with the assistance of some Penney's employees, we opened a boxed shirt so he could try it on. About halfway through the process the employee with the tape measure showed up. "I measure so you don't have to open those boxes" he informed us in a really snotty tone of voice.  I told him the staff had been looking for him for over 10 minutes, but dad was getting very unsteady on his feet, so they helped us open the box and get the shirt out. Then he says in an even snottier tone of voice, "You better hope that fits him".  Like what are you gonna do if it doesn't asshat? I'll tell you what, if dad hadn't been with me (which would have made the trip pointless anyway) I would have thrown the damn shirt on the floor and walked out. Instead, I left the straight pins scattered all over the rack when we left with the shirt - which DID fit!

After we finished shopping, we went to Big Fred's for lunch and then to Verizon to try and update his phone. He was mad because he can't update without Marc's permission, but then when he saw that he'd have to update to a smartphone, he decided to keep the one he has. Good call there, dad.

Saturday was busy - we hadn't even bought a wedding present for Aaron and Emily yet, and the wedding started at 4:30. Since I had slept until 11, we had to get moving. Went to Kohl's and got some things that were on their registry. I hope they're happy with them. Then we had to stop at Walgreen's for a prescription (which I found out needed a new prescription), wrapping paper, and something else, which I can't for the life of me remember...

Oh, and I had looked all over Westroads Friday night for something to wear to the wedding. When you work at home for 3 years and then don't work at all for 2 years, your wardrobe tends to shrink to only sweats and jeans. We went everywhere, CJ Banks, Penney's (deja vu), Younkers and even Von Mauer. I did find a sweater and shell I liked at VM, and it was only $238!!! Clearly, I was in over my head financially, so we left.  Oh yeah, that's what else I got at Kohl's - a sweater!

After we left Kohl's, we headed to Cabela's, where I got a pair of Ugg boots! I was so excited - and they only cost me $25!  Steve had $100 in Cabela points and a $25 off postcard, so they only cost me $25!!! They're the black knit kind, don't bind on the ankle at all and I love them! Looked ridiculous at the wedding with one Ugg and my darn ortho boot, but other people looked just as ridiculous in their too tight dresses and 4" heels, so I wasn't alone!

The wedding was so beautiful! Aaron and Emily have been together for a long time, compared to others in our family and they seem very happy. I hope they have a long, happy life together. Hopefully, someone has learned from my mistakes! We left about the time they cut the cake, Mel had to go to work, Missy was tanked and wanted to stay until the end anyway, so I had to go to the house and stay with dad. Not too bad, as dad just wanted to eat a bowl of cereal and then he went to bed. I got home about 10:45, but it felt like about 2 in the morning, I was just so tired.

This morning I slept until 11:30. I truly tried to get up earlier, but I was sooooo tired, it wasn't going to happen, so I slept until I couldn't sleep anymore. Then I had to get up and we had to go shopping for groceries and for Carol's birthday present. We came home, put the groceries away, grabbed a quick lunch (I had no breakfast) and wrapped her present and off we went to their house! I couldn't figure out what to get her. I wanted to get her more than just a Koh'ls gift certificate. That's what we always get Nell and, well, to be honest, I think more of Carol than I do Nell, and I want to get her something special. Only problem is, I didn't know what. We stopped at ShopKo on the way home from the grocery store, I thought maybe we could get her a movie - boring, I know - but she does enjoy movies... We found out that their sets of "Murder She Wrote" were half off, so we got her the first two seasons - SCORE! And she loved it! I also grabbed a calendar for her called "Bad Cats", which she really enjoyed, so I guess we did a good job! Matt and Magann came over, and eventually Meg showed up too, so we had another nice family day. Tonight I'm exhausted!!! Just typing this and trying to remember what I've done since Thursday was exhausting!

Tomorrow Mel and I are taking dad back to Grand Island. Missy is supposed to, but she had a headache all day today. Hangover, not migraine. But I'm betting money she'll end up going to the hospital sometime - heck, she may be there as we speak, and then she'll be out of commission tomorrow, so Mel and I are just planning on going. So, another day on the road tomorrow, but also some good quality time with my seester. Doesn't get any better than that!

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