Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Weekend is Coming!

I got both the outfits I ordered from Lolly Wolly Doodle for Hailey, and I love them. I gave them to Matt and Magann tonight and Magann seemed to love them too.  Funny how Matt's opinion on fashion doesn't really bother me. Ha ha ha...

I didn't sleep again night before last. It's starting not to bother me as much, but I hate it the day after the day after. I slept great last night, but I was tired all day today. Slept until 10 and then got up and hung around the house and thought about taking a nap, but I didn't. I'm really ticked off with the home computer. Who knows what Steve was looking for now, but day before yesterday I got on the computer for the first time in a long time and Google Chrome wouldn't work. I used Firefox instead. Today I tried Google, didn't work, tried Firefox and that wouldn't work either. Ran the virus program and they still wouldn't work. I have no way to get back on the internet and nothing. Crap.

Invited Bob and mom over for dinner tonight - spaghetti. About the time we were getting ready for dinner Matt called. He and Magann were going out to dinner, but Miss Hailey wasn't too gung ho on that idea, so he wanted to know if she could come over here. Well, duh! Mom and Bob were so glad to see her too. She was pretty funny actually, she wasn't too happy about spaghetti for dinner, she wanted hot dogs and French fries - pretty sure she eats a lot of those at home with her mother, since she can't cook... But at our house we had spaghetti. She ate spaghetti and loved the garlic bread - not cut in half to make it easy to eat, either, but the whole piece. When she got tired of working on the whole thing, she just ate the Parmesan cheese off the top. LOL!

We were back playing in her room when she saw the scar on my leg... Oh Nana, big owie! She then said I should kiss it. I said I couldn't kiss my own leg and asked her if she wanted to kiss it - she gave it a funny look - "Oh no. Papa can kiss it!" That was hilarious! We cleaned up her room because she wanted to play with Lincoln Logs - she had just noticed them in her closet and wanted to play. I think I had more fun with them than she did.

Matt is getting a little frustrated with her - she's really starting to have a mind of her own! Matt is still the best dad I know - he's just going to have to get used to the Terrible Twos!

Pam's attorney quit on her yesterday. HA HA HA!  Virginia quit because she wanted her to push the date of the divorce back (again) because Pam just has to have dad's pension. Virginia told her they couldn't push it back and further, that dad was in a home now and there was no reason to put it off. Pam called dad last night crying because it looks like she's going to get divorced and she just doesn't want that. Ha... She just doesn't want to lose the pension is what she's upset about. All she had to do was be a freaking WIFE and she would have the damn pension. She's the one who walked out, not dad.  Freaking bitch. We'll see what happens now...

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