Thursday, September 15, 2011

No More Bionic Woman

Well, the hardware is all gone and I'm back to just being me. It's more painful than I expected actually. Dr. E told Steve that he actually had to use a chisel to get the plate out, but he used the bone chips to fill in the holes, so that was good. Right? Ouch. I waited too long to put the boot on and it's all swollen, so I can't get the boot on now. Darn it. So, I've been having to shuffle back and forth from the bed to the bathroom. Mel is bringing dad's walker over tomorrow. I feel it's kind of nuts to use a wheelchair to go 10 feet! I don't feel comfortable using the crutches, too clumsy for those. I'm looking forward to having the walker.

Right now, I'm tired and my leg is really hurting, so I'm going to make this short. Night to all!

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