Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ruger starts his treatment

Today was a good day! Walgreens got Ruger's medicine in, so we were able to start him on it. It was a little spendy, and after he's on it for a week we have to have his cortisol retested. Ouch. But, if all goes well and his cortisol goes down, he won't have to take the medication every day. I just want him to feel better. I feel bad that I waited so long to take him to the vet. He's always been my "Eeyore" dog, always looking a little sad and droopy, so I didn't pay much attention to him being so lethargic until I noticed the hair was coming off his tummy and Steve thought he looked bloated. After Sophie, if someone mentions the word "bloated" in regard to one of my dogs, they're off to the vet! Dr. Jesske keeps reminding me that this will shorten his lifespan, which makes me very sad of course, but I just want whatever time he has left to be good for him and have him feel well, if not well, at least better. It's just not fair that our beloved pets have such a short life span compared to ours. Makes you value them all the more though.

It's gotten hot and humid again, I knew our nice cool weather in July couldn't last. We can't complain though, it was a very nice July - one of the 10 coolest Julys on record - that's something to be thankful about!

I just discovered a new country singer this past month or so - he's been around awhile, but I don't listen to the radio very much, so when new music comes out I'm usually the last one to hear it, but this guy, Eric Church, has been to Omaha about 3 times this year, so it seems like I was always hearing "Win Eric Church tickets" whenever I turned the radio on. The other night I was on Rhapsody and I decided to give his album "Carolina" a listen.... I love his music! He has one single off that CD that they're playing on the radio called something like "I Love Your Love the Most". I adore that song! I listened to the whole CD last night several times, which is unusual for me. Usually I find one or two songs that I like and that's it, but this is a good CD! Next time I hear Eric Church is in town, I may have to go. Of course it will be like Garth Brooks... One year - many years ago, obviously, I donated to the Fire Department of Police Department or something and they had a country music show and this guy was going to be performing, Garth Books. He had a new song out - "Friends in Low Places", but I hadn't even heard that on the radio yet. Of course I couldn't get the night off to go - why do I always work nights? (Slaps forehead.) Steve went though and said it was the best show he'd ever seen and this "Garth guy" was going be really big, really soon.... No kidding. I could kick myself in the butt for not telling my lieutenant at the time (I was working for the police) that I was taking the time off and go... One of those hindsight things, I guess.

Meg will be home on Sunday and then leaves again on Thursday or Friday for school already. I can't believe this summer has gone by so fast! I hope it stays warm through November. I heard on the Weather Channel the other day that we're supposed to have a warmer than usual winter - yay! I hope we have snow this winter though, last year was a bust in that department!

Steve made some comment about looking for a farm house the other night. I wish. I'd love to pack up and go - far away from Omaha. I'd miss dad, but Miss would watch out for him. Sure know we can't depend on Melanie to take care of herself, let alone dad... but I'm sick of being here. Anyway, it's not like dad is 50 years old and will be around for years and years. I don't think Steve would want to leave his family though. Tell ya what, there are more days than not that if it weren't for the dogs, I'd be outta here. There's just so much frustration and crap trying to deal with family stuff. What I wouldn't give to have a normal family for one day, just one, to know what it felt like. That's probably about all I could take though. Wouldn't that be strange? I can't even imagine it, since I've never had it, but it would be nice to see what it feels like. (Kind of like a blind person trying to imagine life with sight - can't even begin to know what it's like.)

I'm not even going into that any more. It's too draining and my life is good aside from that, so I'm going to focus on the good and not the dirt.

Night all...

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