Sunday, June 14, 2009

the end of a perfect weekend

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We had a great weekend! Mom and Bob's subdivision had a garage sale this weekend so I sold some stuff, made some money, and bought some more baby stuff. I made more than anyone else at the sale, gotta love that! My best bargain when I was shopping myself was a nearly new play pen for 5 bucks! Woo hoo!

Last night Amber scared the crap out of me - calling at midnight to see if I could watch Vince today while she and Jason went to the North Carolina vs Arizona State CWS game. After I recovered from my heart attack I said, "Of course I will"... Can't lose that favorite aunt status... Not that it's particularly in jeopardy at this point in time. Steve was in Lincoln today shooting, so Vince and I had a good time. He didn't want to eat bologna for lunch until I told him it was a hot dog--really, what's the difference? Then he took a 3 hour nap! I kept checking on him and he kept sleeping, and sleeping, and sleeping. What a good kid. He got up just before Steve got home, so we all spent some time outside - see above pictures! He's so darn cute! While we were outside he had a snack of graham crackers and milk, and just after we went in Amber and Jason got home, so it was a good day! The rest of the afternoon we just didn't do much of anything, finished watching a movie and read a book, and that was about it.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to tackle the Sure Cuts A Lot - again and if I can't get it to work I'll have to find someone who can help me. Maybe in their forum online. Steve finally figured out what I was doing wrong - trying to get the file to transfer from Inkscape to SCAL, but when I opened the file there was nothing there. Rats. We'll get it. We are not cutting out 30-some baby shower invitations. We are NOT!

That's about it, I guess. The weather has been cool and not so rainy the past couple of day, only in the 70s... Nice. It rained all day Friday though, until early evening. Kind of drowned out the garage sale. I wonder how much more I would have made if the weather had been nice? Have a rheumatology appointment tomorrow with blood work and all the good stuff. Can't wait. We'll see how THAT goes! I hope she has some better ideas than Minocycline for this stuff. Wish me luck.

Dad had a cortisone shot in his knee a week ago Friday and on Tuesday this week he had an MRI, kind of anxious to see what they found out with that. I'll have to give him a call tomorrow and then his doc, if he hasn't heard yet. Hopefully they'll be able to decide if it's his back or his knee which is really causing the pain and we can find out how to take care of it. It seems like you're always waiting for something, doesn't it?

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