Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One more month until...

...we find out if we're having a grandson or a grandddaughter! Mirisa's appointment went well today and everything is going well! Yay! Next appointment is April 28 and on that ultrasound they should be able to tell what sex the baby is and then we can finally shop for real clothes and not the yellows and greens!

Reruns R Fun had their consignment sale for babies and toddlers this past week so Matt and I went. He got a bouncer and some t-shirts and some sleepers. I finally invested in a high chair and a stroller. Probably won't use the stroller as much as the high chair, but even now we can use the chair for Vince when he comes over. I'm just so excited!

I'm trying to get to Michelle Brotherson's wedding in May - in Utah. Steve can't go it's closing for the year, and I really, really want to go, but when I checked air fare last night, it's still about $225 per person to fly and I'd need a hotel for a couple nights. Ouch. I wasn't planning on that. Plus, I have to get my temple recommend current again. Ugh. So much going on between that and all dad's stuff. I'm tired. I'm always tired. Maybe I need to have my thyroid checked again!

We finally got our new system at work! Woo hoo! I love it. We'll be switching over to VR in the next month or so, then hopefully we'll have smooth sailing! Keep your fingers crossed!

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