Thursday, January 29, 2009

In the meantime, in other news...

So... Been hanging on to see what I wanted to talk about last week?

First of all, my sympathy to my brother-in-law whose father passed away on the 15th. We knew Ken too, since he was always at Sue and Smitty's for Smith birthdays and Fourth of July, etc. He was a really nice guy, had a great sense of humor. Smitty's mom passed away 4 or 5 years ago, so he was always hanging out with his kids and grandchildren and was a big part of their lives, I know he'll be missed.

Mike and Amy came back for the funeral, so we got to see Emma, and even though I took my camera to the Smith's for dinner on Saturday night, I didn't take one picture! I'm a bad great-aunt! Madi and Lydi are growing up so fast - and so is Gabe. He was just a baby when they left, but he is well on his way to being a big boy now! On one hand it feels like they've been gone for such a short time, and then when I saw the kids I realized how fast kids grow! I know mom took some pictures, so hopefully she'll pass them on and I'll have some. (Of course I'm still waiting for Vince's baptism pictures and that was almost a year ago! Yes, Amber, I'm talking to YOU!)

Anyway, at the visitation and the funeral I caught myself thinking that Ken was younger than my dad and it really struck me that someday something is going to happen to my dad and then what? Smitty and all of his brothers and his sister had gotten together to plan his dad's funeral, but obviously that won't be the case since dad is married. I'm sure she has no idea that dad is eligible for a military and/or police honor guard and all the stuff that goes along with it. I can't imagine her having the brains to be able to take care of it anyway, that'll probably be another 3-ring circus. It's too bad that none of us can talk to dad about what he wants before that time comes. Of course that got me thinking about this whole situation with my family again.

Especially with a new baby on the way I'd like to think that my dad would get off his high horse and be civil to me again, but I know that's asking for the impossible. He made it perfectly clear to me that his wife is more important than his children are, so he'll just have to live with that decision I guess. It would sure be nice to be able to call and talk to him, stop by and visit, or whatever, but I can't.

It's sounds so easy, just give him a call or stop by and apologize or whatever. Ha ha ha. That's an impossibility. For one thing I refuse to let Pam be a part of my life. I know she's dad's wife and he has to live with her, so that's that. If he can't see her for what she is, I can't make him see it. I guess it's called consequences, you chose her, he has to live with her. I can't live with her, so I have to not have dad in my life.

More later, but for right now, I'm going to hit the hay early and then get up and be productive. Thanks Lindsay!

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