Monday, September 29, 2008

It's a new week!!!

I worked the weekend, and I'm so glad it's over! There's just something about spending 8 hours hammering away at a computer when the weather is nice and there are things do... But at last, Monday is here! I have to work today, but I start my new (tentative) hours - 7 p.m. to 3:30 a.m., so maybe I'll actually have time to do things. So far today I've found out that I can't get into Facebook because of maintenance, unstacked and stacked the dishwasher, baked a cake, made the bed, and folded laundry - and it's only 2 o'clock! Still time to work on some scrapbook pages and print some pictures. Or maybe take a nap.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous today! You can tell a cold front came through, it was 68 when I got up this morning at 6:30, but it's only 66 now. Breezy, but wonderful! I shut off the air conditioner and am basking in the breeze from an open window. The only reason I don't like this time of year is the bees and wasps are feeling particularly grumpy and we have a lot of them in our yard. Nasty things. I'm more worried about Heidi than I am myself, she's been stung once and had a bad reaction, so I don't want her to get stung again. Of course silly dogs don't know enough to stay away from the flowers in the back yard!

This is homecoming week at Doane, so Steve and I are going down to visit Meg on Friday. We're going to a barbecue and then the planetarium on campus is having some sort of program that we're going to. We can't stay all night because of the dogs and really on Saturday the big deal is the football game which I really don't care about, so Friday's the day for us!

Nothing else going on of note around here. Same old stuff, just a different day. I'll be glad when the elections are OVER! Gah! I'm so sick of political ads on TV. Not working turning it on even in the day time anymore. I've watched more Bloomberg and MCNBC than anyone should have to watch in the past week. I'm glad the bailout didn't pass today, this should prove interesting. I was listening to a guy this morning on MSNBC saying that now that other countries are having problems with their banks we need to figure out how to help them. BS! We need to take care of ourselves first. Because their non-capitalistic form of government didn't work for them, we're surely not expected to help them bail out their financial institutions too! I'm not even going to go there. I'd like to go to bed and wake up next spring... Doesn't that sound like a good idea?

Five homicides in Omaha this weekend. Sounds like we're becoming more and more like the big city that the mayor wants us to be. I'll just stay in after dark, thanks. And stay west of 72nd Street. Gotta love the Big O.

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