Sunday, August 10, 2008

Busy, busy weekend

It's been a busy weekend! It's Iowa State Fair time, so on Friday Steve and I took the day off and headed to Des Moines for the day. It was a gorgeous day for the fair - apparently everyone felt the same way we did. The drive from Omaha to DM took about 2 hours and going the 2 miles from the interstate to the fairgrounds took another 2 hours. That was a little frustrating. I'm still not sure why, there were a couple promotions going on, the first 300 to the fair got free admission and a corn dog, John McCain was at the fair, and while we were waiting in line we were passed by 3 ambulances going the same direction as us, then 3 came back our direction, so I don't know if there was an accident or what, but apparently one or all 3 events conspired against us making a quick entry to the fairgrounds. I knew we were in trouble when we had to stop while we were still on the interstate! We moved pretty quickly for the first half hour or so and then we just were at a virtual standstill for the next hour or so. Steve finally pulled into the lane next to us, which seemed to be moving a little faster, just so we could get to Walgreen's and get some sun screen. I had forgotten mine at home and I was going to get some when we got there. It did move us up a little more quickly since were were able to get on a cross street and then cut into the line about 12-15 block ahead of where we had been. It was too late for the sunscreen though, I was already burned on my right arm just from waiting in line!

Once we got in we had a good time. They rearranged some of the exhibits and rides this year, but they were all changes for the better. One thing I didn't see that I usually love were the modular homes. They usually set up 2 or 3 for people to go through. I love going through them, I'm addicted to going through model homes for sale at home as well, but I didn't see any this year. We don't to rides, but I loved looked at the quilt exhibit, having my pork chop on a stick, and just having fun doing some people watching. The Budweiser Clydesdales were at the fair on Friday too - they are beautiful animals! They had a butterfly tent set up this year, but we forgot about it until we were on our way out and by that time I was exhausted, sunburned, and just wanted to get to the car! Hopefully, it will be there next year and we can see it then.

Yesterday we went to to Wausa, Nebraska, a booming metropolis of about 600 people. Steve's Aunt Lois turned 88 this week, and her kids were having a birthday part for her, so we went to visit. It's north of Norfolk, so it's about a 2 to 2-1/2 hour drive. I'm so glad we went. Lois is very frail and has had several strokes this year. She was very alert and recognized everyone. She lives in the nursing home and her husband lives in the assisted-living center (he's 93), so they don't get to see each other very often. Their faces just lit up when they saw each other yesterday. Harry, her husband, was so cute, he helped her open her cards and packages and he gave her a kiss after she we all sang happy birthday to her. I think it's so sweet to see such elderly couple still so much in love with each other. If I get a chance, I'll post some pictures.

Anyway, that takes us to Sunday, today. I'm cleaning up the room that's been collecting junk for the past couple months. Purging - trying to decide what to save, what to toss, and what to put in a pile for a garage sale. Decisions, decisions! But right this minute I think I'll take a break to run out and get some carpet shampoo - I have some serious shampooing to do! Later!

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