Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday in the park...

Not really, didn't set foot in a park today, but it was a gorgeous day! A little breezy, but that's spring time to me, so I didn't mind at all!

Amber made it home from the hospital today in plenty of time to attend Ryan's birthday party, which was great fun! She took it easy and Great-Grandma Luneke was more than willing to take care of Vince, that was no problem. I can't believe Ryan is a year old already - I don't know where the time goes anymore, it just flies by. I know I've said that before, but when you watch these little ones be born and then grow up, it just boggles my mind. It seems like just the other day my kids and their cousins were babies, and now their babies are having birthdays! Whew, it makes my head spin!

Ryan got lots and lots of new clothes and some toys. He's such a solemn little boy, but his daddy can sure make him giggle! It was so good to see Tony too - only 4 more months to go in Cuba. He's lost about 20 pounds, but he's very muscular, definitely not the same "boy" that joined the army!

I can't get my Rebel camera to work... GRRRRR, and for some reason I can't get the PowerShot to download the pictures I took today, but when I get that figured out, I'll be downloading some new pictures of the babies. I got some good pictures of Charlene with Vince too, so I'll have to try and get those to her before they leave. John got a great picture of Tony with the monkey dishes I got Ryan, it was a pretty funny pictures, I hope I can get a copy from them. I think now that they have 2 great-grandbabies here in Omaha they might come back more than once a year. I really like them, they're such nice people and I enjoy spending time with them. I really hate it when divorce takes people you like out of the family. I'm glad I still get to see them through Amber and Tony at least. Emily and AJ look great too, I haven't seen them for a while. Hey AJ - if you read this, don't you think you've been dating Emily long enough? I'm thinking it's about time for another wedding! ;-)

My hands are so hot tonight, they're uncomfortable, I'm thinking a flare is in the works. Oh goodie, I haven't had one for over a month, I'm due for a good one I guess. We're supposed to have rain tonight, so I'm not sure if it's weather related or stress related. After yesterday, I'm more inclined to think it's the stress!

It's General Conference weekend and I forgot to record both sessions today. (That's using the old noodle, Mindi...) I have, however, remembered to set the DVR for tomorrow's sessions, so I can watch them if I feel like getting out of bed. They're on a digital channel this time, and I don't have a converter in the bedroom, so I can't watch unless I get up. It's going to be so odd to watch and not have President Hinckley presiding. I miss him and his style of leadership. He also had a dry sense of humor that I'll miss. It'll just be strange not to have him there. One of these years I'm really going to make it to Salt Lake for conference. Really, I am. That's on my bucket list!

I also have to remind Steve to set the recorder downstairs to record Kountze for Marc. I don't even try to mess with that recorder, you either have to be a preschooler or a college graduate to get that thing to work. If you're anywhere in between you won't be able to figure it out! LOL!


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