Friday, February 15, 2008

Darn it! Will I ever learn?

Last week, I think... Anyway, it was recent enough that I remember it, faulty memory and all, I saw some mattress pads on QVC that I thought looked wonderful. I read all the reviews, and people were just raving about them. They looked like a bit, thick featherbed, and people said they'd never had such wonderful sleep, it was like sinking into a cloud, best night's sleep in years, yada, yada, yada. I didn't buy it because I thought the price was a little steep, although even though it was under $100, it was, after all, still a mattress pad. Tonight I finally remembered to mention it to Steve. I told him it looked so comfortable it made me sleepy just looking at it! People had given it rave reviews, and since I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping due to pain lately, and I was thinking about getting it. He said to go ahead, it sounded good to him. Um hm, that was the kiss of death. They're gone. I'm pretty sure they were made of trillium (well, as sure as I can be), and they do have some trillium mattress covers, but they're not the same. The ones they have now come with pillows, I don't want or need new pillows. And since they come with pillows, they're more expensive (of course they are...). Darn it. I'm so ticked off. Yes, I can go ahead and get the ones they have now, but there are no reviews and I'm not 100% sure they're the same ones I was looking at last week - or whenever it was. I'm trying to think of where else I might have been looking online - maybe it wasn't QVC where I saw them, but I'm drawing a blank. I tried checking Amazon, heck, I even tried a Google search - nothing. (Although I did learn that trillium is a plant, the plant apparently grows a lot in Canada, and there are several bed and breakfasts with Trillium in their hame.) Rats.

The lesson? Even if I'm not going to be impulsive and buy something on the spot - for Pete's sake, at least bookmark the darn thing!

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried Linens and Things or Bed Bath and Body or whatever the name of that store is. Maybe they can point you into the right direction. I saw too that Younker is having a kick ass sale on their bedding. 400 thread count sheets were $120, queen size marked down to $ just a thought!
    Good Luck. Miss
