Sunday, February 24, 2008

Beautiful Sunday


That's all I can think of to say about the weather today. Let me say it again. Ahhhhhh.... I heard on the weather today that it only got to 49, but the thermometer down the street said 52! It was like summer to me! Okay, not quite summer, but it was beautiful! The sun was shining, it was warm, snow and ice were melting like mad. If I didn't have cabin fever before, I sure do now. Of course the weather that hit California this weekend is going to hit us tomorrow, with some more rain, ice, and snow, but at this point it really can't last for long! In the meantime, I'll bask in the glow of today.

Meg's Green Monster (her Kia) is officially gone. She got a whole $50 for scrap, which is kind of hard to take since she just spent $800 to fix it about 2 months ago. It couldn't be fixed, had to have a new engine, so.... Bye bye green monster.

We went to dad's today to try and get Pam's computer set up, but he's going to go get a Linksys, to get wireless set up. AJ stopped by while we were there - haven't seen him for a bit, so that was a nice surprise. I worked on some more picture frames too, I'm really pleased with the ones I did today, I think they turned out okay. I'm having fun.

Matt and Mirisa stopped by tonight for a little bit. Matt worked the Martina McBride concert last night - the set up and take down. I didn't even realize she was here, I like her music. I wouldn't have gone though, it was at the Qwest Center and I abhor the Qwest - I prefer the MidAmerica Center in Council Bluffs. Tickets are usually less and the parking is much more reasonable - in distance. It's also free to park, even if you don't have a handicap tag! Anyway, I made some little individual bundt cakes tonight. I was so pleased with myself - I had wanted the stoneware pan from Pampered Chef, but it was $33, which I thought was a little high, but PC has a section on their online site of discontinued stuff and I got it for $8! It came the other day, so of course I had to bake something. So tonight I made some little lemon cakes with lemon glaze... Yummy!

I called mom and Bob to see if they wanted to come over, but mom isn't feeling well. I hope it's not the darn flu. Everybody is getting it, even with the shot. It's nasty stuff too, so I'm hoping that's not what she has! 'll have to give her a call tomorrow, if she's not feeling better, some homemade chicken soup may be in order.

Cindy is coming down to Omaha tomorrow to do some shopping, so we're planning on having lunch. I have to get up relatively early - like before 2, if I'm actually going to have lunch! Later!

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