Thursday, February 21, 2008

And to think I yearned for the day she could talk...

Meg's car blew up yesterday. Coincidentally, it was the day she got her student loan money. She called last night/early morning, I went to her apartment to get her so she could borrow my car today. I had no gas, so she had to put her own money in the tank, which probably ticked her off. Then tonight I called to ask her if she would pick up some Diet Dr. Pepper for me on her way home. She's in a snit because she went to practice for the school musical tonight and she can't hear. The money she was going to spend on the audiologist and maybe hearing aids is going to have to go to buy a new car. Maybe this is just me, but wouldn't you think if you couldn't hear, that hearing aids might be a priority? No, the car is a priority because she needs it to get to school. Maybe she should look for a little bit less expensive car? (The one she wants belongs to somebody who knows somebody, and she "knows" it's a good reliable car because some old man had it and took care of it - but still, if it's going to take all your disposable income, is it such a good thing?) When I tried to mention this to her she got all snarky with me. That's what irritates me the most, I do something to try and help her out and then try to give her some thoughts on what she might be able to do about something and she gets all snotty with me. I could have been totally rude and said, maybe since you're going to be 27 next month, getting a job and taking care of yourself should be your first priority, but that won't help the situation and that's just me being bitchy. I don't know how she thinks she's going to support herself if she goes to Gallaudet, I really don't. But you know what? She's 27 years old, and I'm not goinng to worry about it.

Of course I'd like nothing more than to see my children be happy and successful, but Meghan was born with blinders on and she can only see what she wants to see. Anybody else who has an opinion - especially me - is wrong. What the heck do I know? I was kind of hoping she'd leave this phase behind her before she hit 30, but I don't think that's gonna happen. She asked me where else she was going to find a dependable car for $2000. I don't know, I haven't looked. And I have a sneaking suspicion she didn't look either. All of this just happened with her car yesterday. Her rent is paid through May so at least she'll have a place to live. Her practicum started this week, so the end is in sight as far as school is concerned and maybe she won't get accepted to Gallaudet and all this worry will be for nothing. She can get her license and get a job. Then she can afford a car, gas, insurance, taxes and licensing, food, medical insurance... I shouldn't get my hopes up.


  1. No my dear sister.. it doesn't matter what the age or if it is your child or not. We see what we want to see and there are some who just get mad when they get slapped in the face with reality. Live and let live is my saying. She is over 18 and you are no longer responsible. Just remember, if she falls, let her pick herself up. If you bail her out, you are only enabling the problem, not solving it.

  2. You know Min, as moms we always tend to take on all of our kids's worrys and try to figure out all of their problems whether we admit or not, no matter how old our kids get. Meghan will resolve her situation. It might not be how you would have wanted her to resolve it but she will resolve it. Don't let it stress you so bad. Missfit

  3. You know what? You're both right. I was tired and more than a little snarky myself as I wrote that post. Now I know where she gets THAT from! lol!

  4. Meg's going deaf? Is this karmic irony for learning sign language? No good deed goes unpunished?
