Monday, January 14, 2008

Tell me Dr. Freud...

I used to loved to be by myself. I could do what I wanted, when I wanted, yada, yada, yada. I'd read, scrapbook, work on genealogy, and time would just fly by. Not any more. I hate being by myself now days. I absolutely detest it! I'm not afraid, it's not that kind of not liking to be alone, I just hate to be alone. Even if Steve is home, he's usually in the basement tinkering with his radio or something when I'm working, and I'm home alone all day doing whatever while he's at work (since our work schedules overlap), so it's not like I have someone with me most of the time. But when I know he's not here, I absolutely hate being here. Even though I'm not truly alone, one can never be truly alone with 6 dogs - one of them always wants/needs something...
;-) Part of it might be the fact that I work from home and don't have any interaction with anyone, even when I'm working. All I do is sit and listen and type. I rarely have to answer the phone for work and when I do it's just somebody who wants a STAT report, it's not like they're calling to chat. Nobody to talk to unless the phone rings or I call someone, eating meals alone, going to bed alone and not having someone to snore next to me... I don't know. I used to love time like this and now it's a burden. Can you explain that to me, Dr. Freud?

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