Saturday, January 26, 2008

Good news on all fronts...

I will be the first to admit that I've been a little bit frustrated with Meg - I was starting to think she was a professional student. But after hearing one of her letters of recommendation the other day, I began to think that maybe I was starting to sound like my mother - God forbid. I know I spent most of my life trying to find out just what I was put on this earth to do. Just because I still struggle with that or maybe because I struggle with that, I shouldn't be so quick to decide what she should do. Some people are just slow starters... Now that I understand. Anyway... I was a little peeved last month when I found out she was applying to attend Gallaudet University. I thought she should just get a job and go to school part time. Then I got an email from her the other day saying that she had been chosen to receive an interview with the admissions office for possible admission into their hearing undergraduate program! What great news! Gallaudet is the only deaf university in the United States and they only admit a very select few hearing students, so this is really an honor. If you have a God-given talent, you really should use it. Keeping my fingers crossed that she gets in, and - that we win the lottery to help her pay for it. Otherwise, she's on her own, unfortunately.

The other good news came from my nephew, Tony, who is in the Army and stationed in Cuba. I'm going to try to just cut and paste his e-mail. Please ignore the spelling - he's only 21, after all... lol!

Greetings from the great country of Cuba,Hello everyone, I got some good news to let everyone know about. Today I competed for Soldier of the Quarter, for the first Quarter of 2008 and won. I was a little scared going in because it is so nerve wrecking, but I came through and won. Also today after winning that board I was sent to the Joint Detention Group's Trooper of the Quarter board where I did an outstanding job and won the Trooper of the Quarter. I competed against "troopers" from the Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines and ened up winning. So it is very possible that I will be going to Texas to compete in the United States South Command board in the beginning of february. The United South Command is a pretty big board, it takes soldier, sailors, and marines from the eniter South Command whicih is a lot of people from what i hear. I go to the promotion board on the 31st so wish me luck on that one. If i get the promotion i will become a Non- Commissioned Officer, Sergeant, and get some more money. So Im just letting you know how everything is going. I love you all and miss you much. LoveTony

Good news! I'm so proud of him. Of all the cousins, Tony was the wild child, I never thought the Army would tame him, but they did. He's really becoming quite a man. A good father, husband, son, and a wonderful nephew! Keep up the good work, Tony Baloney!

Just as an aside, why does my family have an affinity to give the kids nicknames that have to do with food? Amberger Hamberger, Tony Baloney, and last but not least, Eggin Meggin McMuffin. Go figure.

Dad's left knee is feeling very, very good after the cortisone shot. Yay, Dad! Keep up the good work. Maybe all he'll need is s shot in the knee once in awhile to keep it feelin' good! That would seriously rock!

That's it for tonight folks. This minnow is tired...

1 comment:

  1. I feel like the whole family has been blessed. Yeah there are a few of us with some health issues but for the most part life really isn't all that bad. It could be so much worse!! Meghan and Tony, you guys rock!! Keep up the good work and always keep the faith!!
    Love you guys. Missy
