Saturday, December 1, 2007

More pictures

Candace, Missy, Meg,
and Laura

Candace and Ryan

Okay... Obviously, this is not Pam and Ryan. Somehow 2 pictures ended up in cyberspace and are out wandering about hand in hand... This is Ruger, my fat boy, looking very dejected since he had to wear a belly band. My apologies to Pam and Ryan if they saw this and thought I was being rude. Well, I am rude, but this was unintentional!

Ben and Buttercup. It's so nice to have a furry sister to lay your head on at the end of a busy day.

What 'chu lookin' at Willis? Ha ha ha... Ben and Buttercup. (And the snaky cord from the rug cleaner that never gets put away...)

1 comment:

  1. Min,
    The pictures are great! Thanks for posting them but you might want to check the one you have labeled Pam & Ryan. :)
