Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Here is our Christmas tree. Matt and Marissa came over and Meg was here, so they got it decorated. I doubt Marissa has ever seen such an eclectic tree - we have eveything from fish to angels, Shrek, Donkey, sharks, you name it, it's probably on this tree. They all mean something to us! We even have "Our First Christmas" from 1987!
This is Joseph from our Christmas pagent at Church. We didn't stay for the entire show since we wanted to get home and do our tree. The Peterson kids are sorely missed this year!

These are the sheep from the pagent. They were "bleating" pretty good when I was in the room taking pictures! I'm sure they put on a fine performance!

This is Mary for this year. Isn't she beautiful? There are a lot of new kids in the Primary this year that I didn't recognize - and the ones I did recognize have sure grown in the year since I was in the primary presidency!

Loi J. me, and Meghan! Don't we look happy!? It was a great dinner this year, so many people came we actually ran out of food and had to set up extra tables! Yay!
I don't know who this little boy was, but Jay Osmond is in danger of being replaced! LOL! He was playing right along with the Christmas songs we were singing.
These are the little trees we got this year to put outside. Maybe I'll be able to find some great outdoor stuff at the after Christmas sales so next year our display will be a little bit larger! I think they look really cute though.

I've got some pictures from the Christmas luncheon at work today too, but I'm too tired to wait for them all to load. Maybe tomorrow?

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