Saturday, November 24, 2007

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night!

I loved the Bay City Rollers... lol

Today was a busy day. First we had Amber's baby shower. What fun! Although I did have to leave early with a case of the palps, but what the heck. There were a ton of people there and I think she got some cool stuff. I was there for the games and the food (although I skipped the cake and punch - even if I made the punch) and I focused on veggies and fruit - yay me, but had to leave right after the present opening began. Her wonderful uncle - my darling baby brother - got her an Eddie Bauer stroller, which she should be getting soon. Have things ever changed! I remember when I had Meg and Matt and my stroller was one of those stupid fold able umbrella looking things. Of course I would have had trouble negotiating the EB brand on the bush, which was my main form of transportation at the time, the umbrella hooked right over my wrist! I'm sure she got tons of clothes and lots of stuff to keep the little bambino happy!

It's a Very Good Day in Nebraskaland - the land of the Big Red, Husker Heaven... Coach Callahan is GONE! Yee haw! Of course he was a stinking lousy recruiter too, so it'll take a couple years for the team to be back up to #1, but I'm sure we'll make it. I always thought CC was an asshat, I'm glad someone at the University finally agreed with me! lol

I saw in the news that Hulk Hogan is getting divorced. Well, well, well. Another one bites the dust. I shouldn't be so sarcastic, I knew Terry when he wasn't Hulk Hogan and he was a nice guy. Probably becoming Hulk Hogan wasn't the best thing to happen to him in terms of staying married, but he has made it for 24 years. Sorry to hear things didn't work out. Really, I am. That's a long time to spend with someone, and he's 53. Probably been using steroids for years too, makes him a liability in the marriage department I'm thinking.

I didn't make it back to Best Buy to return my computer today. It was kind of a busy day. I'll definitely get down there tomorrow. I'm wondering now though if I even want another Gateway... I'll have to see.

I guess that's it for today... I have to work today. I wish someone could explain the hospital doublespeak to me. Thursday was a paid holiday, but we have to use our PTO - they build in enough hours to pay us for the holiday, yet I have to work today, which means I worked 5 days this week and had 1 paid holiday. Does that make any sense to anybody else? I think I griped about this already, but I'm still annoyed. Oh well, that much more money, I guess.

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