Monday, November 12, 2007

A New Week

Well, I called the doc today to see if the Lipitor might be the cause of my feeling like I've been hit by a truck for the last 4 days, and he doesn't think so. Must be a virus I guess. I'll be glad when it's gone! I felt a lot better yesterday, but then again today wasn't feeling the best. I talked to Cindy and she got sick last week after her flu shot, achy and feverish, like I've feel this weekend, wonder if it was a delayed reaction? I was supposed to go to up to the hospital today for my TB test, but just didn't really have the energy to drive up there. I have to go tomorrow because they have to read it before I leave for Ohio on Friday. Ugh. I think it's crap that we have to have a TB test when we work at home. Nuts. Oh well, I don't write the rules.

Steve and Bob got home this afternoon, so we went to mom and Bob's for dinner. I took tonight off - I was still feeling pretty achy and didn't really think I could sit and type of 8 hours. Mom had homemade vegetable beef soup, that's a comfort food if I ever had one! I could eat her vegetable soup 7 days a week. Thanks mom!

The Bambis all survived the weekend - at least from the Korn-Sieborg-Kurtz camp. Steve said there were deer all over, but they just didn't shoot any. Um, okay. Who am I to wonder why you would go deer hunting and then not shoot one? Actually I guess it was just as well, when you're gone for 4 days and the weather is in the upper 60s and low 70s, it's not conducive to keeping meat fresh! Ick. Not that I eat deer meat anyway.

It's good to have him home though. Toby really missed him, he literally danced around the entry way when Steve opened the front door, he was so happy! Then he sat on Steve's lap for the rest of the night. Right now he's in the little room where he sleeps at night whining because he thinks he needs to be in the room with us - and he's never slept with us!

In the news today, the drunk driver who killed the deputy sheriff who Meg used to babysit for has gotten a plea agreement and probably won't serve any prison time. Apparently the state patrol mislabeled the blood sample of the driver of the car and now they can't use it for evidence. Her blood alcohol level was something like 0.186 and now they can't use the blood because it was mishandled! Oh brother, talk about a miscarriage of justice! This guy is out riding his motorcycle on his own time like any Joe Citizen, this woman served into his lane, barely missing the other off duty sheriff's deputy riding in front of him, and hit Shad head on, killing him. Now, she's getting off virtually scot free.... Totally sucks. I read in the paper that his mother is appealing the fact that she got a plea bargain and won't even go to trial, I'm totally on her side - the poor family, he left behind a wife and 2 little children, one was only a month or so old. Sometimes the law sucks, you know?

Well, that's about it for today I guess. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow, get my TB test and get back to work. (Oh, and start packing - I need to be at the airport by 6 a.m. on Friday. Ugh. Yes, I know Friday is 4 days away, but I'm a woman! I have to find a bag big enough to stash all my treasures when I come home. I told Dorothy I only want to go to the museum for The Christmas Story (You know, "You'll shoot your eye out! Where the kid wants a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas). There's a museum in Cleveland that was the original house used in the movie, so I really want to see that. We're going to to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and then Dorothy said there's a toy shop that sells older games and stuff from when we were younger. You know I'm going to have to buy something.... And it's only a little over a month until Christmas, although I'm almost done shopping. And... I'll be in Milwaukee, so I might have to buy a Cheesehead.... Dorothy says if I get off the plane in a cheesehead she's going to pretend she doesn't know me! LOL! If I had a cheesehead on, I'd pretend I didn't know me- I've a Viking Girl! LOL Okay, now I'm really going to bed...

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