Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Little Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving seemed like it was creeping up and all of a sudden, BAM! (Sorry Emeril) Here it is! I do have so much to be thankful for and I don't think I take the time to be thankful because I'm such an owly growly most of the time. So, it's time to list the things I'm thankful for and give them their due!

1. My family. It's been wonderful to start rebuilding a relationship with my brother this year. He's changed so much, I hope I've changed as much. He's really funny, and very caring (which I have to say I never would have said before this year). I'm really thankful for the opportunity we've had to work on our issues and get to know each other better. My relationship with my sisters is going well, and that makes me happy too! And then there's dad. I'm blessed to still have my dad be around and be part of my life. I'm very thankful for that. I know a lot of people my age don't have their parents around any more, so that indeed is a blessing. I'm very blessed to have the best in-laws ever! I don't know what I would do without mom and Bob. They're always here to lend a hand, take care of the furkids, or just to listen when I need to vent. Plus, they play a wicked game of dominoes! LOL! I'm truly blessed by having them in my life. My kids are a blessing too - although sometimes I'm not so vocal about the blessings they bring to my life! Meg will graduate next year and I'm really proud of her for sticking with the program. And she's good! I'm sure she won't have a hard time passing her tests and becoming certified. Yay Meghan! And Matt decided to go back to school this year and is getting A's in the 2 classes he started. Woo hoo! His sense of humor never fails to make me laugh when I don't much feel like it! They're the best part of my life! I'm so thankful for the new great-nephew I have, and the spouses of my nieces and nephews. They chose wonderful people and I'm glad to add them to our family tree. I'm looking forward to the arrival of Baby Peleska in January too! Bring on the babies!

2. My Husband. Okay, stop laughing. We certainly have our share of ups and downs, but he's here for me, which is more than I can say for my last husband! LOL! Plus, we don't have to sell tickets to the neighbors for the Friday Night Fights this time around. He puts up with a lot from me, and although I'm sure there are days he'd rather I just shut up - he does try to listen to what I have to say. I have to give him credit for that. I mean - would I have tried to keep this going for 21 years if there wasn't something there? I love you!

3. My furbabies. All I can say about them is... Unconditional love. And it works both ways. I've been blessed by having them in my life and I'm so glad that I've been able to work with a rescue to save more dogs who were abused and unloved.

4. My Country. I can't believe how lucky I am that I was born in this country. To have all the blessings and freedoms that go with living here. To have the ability to vote and the ability to say what I want to say and have my own opinion without fear of reprisal. Food to eat, water to drink, the ability to practice my religion. This is a choice country we live in. It's too bad more people don't realize it.

5. My religion. I'm so, so blessed to have found this religion. To know that there is a prophet on this earth today to guide us and help keep us close to the Lord. Truly a blessing. No other religion ever felt or sounded right to me until I found the LDS church, where all my questions were answered. I'm thankful that Heavenly Father was watching over me during my search and led me in the right direction.

6. My home. There are so many people in the world who have no home, or live in tar paper shacks with corrugated metal roofs. Even here in our own country there are so many homeless people. I'm very blessed to have a nice warm home, with a husband and dogs to keep me company.

Well, that's just the tip of the iceberg, but I have a doctor's appointment I have to get to. Wish me luck!

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