Sunday, October 7, 2007


First and foremost, happy birthday to my baby brother! It's been a long time since I said that, but I hope you have a great birthday. Don't try and blow out all those candles at once. LOL!

Steve left early yesterday morning for Wisconsin. He says they're going grouse hunting... Riiiiight. Well, maybe they are. Since Tom's bout with pancreatitis that's still giving him some trouble, I don't think there's much drinking going on.

I went to a craft fair with mom yesterday. It was hot and humid (88 degrees), so I wasn't much in the mood for shopping for Christmas decorations. I don't know how people get in the Christmasy mood when it's not cold, but I can't do it. I did find some Christmas gifts though for the new nephew, dad and the soon to be nephew. The latter won't be here until After Christmas, but so what? He'll have his present anyway. There was a lot of cute stuff there, and pretty reasonably priced, so we had a good time.

Meg came over later and we had Pizza Hut pizza for dinner. Steve hates it, so now is the time for me to have it! Afterwards Mel called and I talked to her for awhile. The whole time I was talking to Mel, Meg was out in the living room watching TV and just screaming with laughter. When I got off the phone I went out to see what was so funny. She'd been watching Jeff Dunham - A Moment of Insanity on comedy central. She had taped it while she watched it, so we watched it again - and we were both screaming with laughter. That guy is hysterical! He's one of the best ventriloquists I've ever seen, and his puppets are sooooo funny. If you've never seen him, you have to try and catch it. I think it's going to be on Comedy Central a few more times. One of his new characters is Achmed the Dead Terrorist. It was hysterical. Although I have to say, Walter, the crabby old man is my favorite...

I had thought about painting my bedroom this weekend, but when I woke up yesterday morning and looked around the room I decided against it. I still have to remove the wallpaper border, I have so much furniture in there, and it's such a big room. Mel was going to help, but I just couldn't work up the energy to do all the prep work. Not this weekend.

I'm trying to decide if I have a cold or allergies are still kicking my butt. I've been sneezing and last night I started with a cough that would leave me wheezing. I suppose I should get that checked out before the upcoming surgery this Friday. I'll have to call the doctor tomorrow I guess. I do have some problem with reactive airways sometimes, so I bet that's flaring up too. With my luck, I'm allergic to my nice new wool blanket that I just love. That would tick me off.

Well, better run. Mel's coming over and we're going to some estate sales. Maybe I'll fine more Christmas presents.... Everything is 1/2 price today! Woo hoo!

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